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Monday, November 30, 2015

The Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shooting, and my thoughts.

     So I held off speaking about the Paris attack last month, because I didn't want to be another person commenting and throwing in my two cents on such a tragedy. There were plenty of people doing that, both horribly, and blaming the victims (see Christian pastor Kevin Swanson), and those that come from a place of reason and compassion, assigning the blame where it belongs (Noah Lugeon's diatribe on episode 144 of "The Scathing Atheist"). And it was a subject that was being beat into the ground, and as stated by Noah in his diatribe, "I don't want to be yet another voice standing atop 129 corpses to say 'Hey, you know that thing I'm ideologically committed to, that thing I've been saying for years? That's the real issue behind these Paris attacks'." It's been done and better than I probably would have.
    That brings us to the recent shooting at Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The shooter, as described by his own ex-wife is a conservative, anti-abortion, Christian. And already we have fucktards like Glenn Beck rushing in to shout down the fact that he's Christian with the old rhetoric of that's not a thing that "real" Christians do. Immediately attempting to separate his religion from his actions, where, if he were a Muslim, Beck and his ilk would have no problem embracing that fact and shining a giant fucking spotlight on it.
     This was an act of violence was at the very least had some basis on his religious beliefs, if not the sole factor. To divorce this attack from the Christian religion would be the same as removing the Muslim influence from the Paris attack. To do so, to me, marks you as someone that lives in state of delusion and ignorance that makes me wonder how you are able to function at all. And I've noticed that when it comes to the Colorado shooting, the media is being amazingly quiet about his faith.