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Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Weighing in on the SCOTUS marriage equality decision.

     It's been a couple of weeks now since the supreme court made a ruling on marriage equality, that is  for the right of same sex couples to be married.  There has been a shitload of feedback from all sides of this decision, those that are happy to see equal rights for a segment of the population that has been marginalized for decades. And of course those that are convinced that this the absolute worst thing that has ever happened in the history of the country, and those in between. Regardless of what side you happen to fall on it's a landmark decision for equal rights.

     That term should be all that needs to be said on the matter. "Equal rights", it's pretty damn self explanatory, each person has rights that are equal to any other. That's it, end of argument, but of course it wasn't that easy. We had a bunch of folks that were so scared that the redefining of marriage to include same sex couples was going to destroy the traditional family, and lead to all sorts of other horrible things. The vast majority of these idiots came from the Christian right, shocker I know.
     Touting that this flew in the face of God and was not consistent with 'traditional marriage', or what they decided was traditional. But traditional, according to their own book includes polygamy, does not allow for divorce, and commands that rapists must marry their victims. A classic case of cherry picking, ignore all the shit that I don't want to apply to me and demonize those that disagree. The thing of it is, what these people don't realize, is that the only way that same sex marriage will have any effect on their lives, at all, is if they go out of their way to make it effect them. To somehow see that two other consenting adults that love each other would want to have access to the same rights and privileges as them, is in someway is an attack on them, or threatens their way of life. That is a level of stupidity that is beyond me.
     The majority of the arguments against this decision are based in religion, that in itself should be automatic dismissal for the argument.   But sadly there are those in power that like to use the argument that the United States is a "Christian nation". No, it's fucking not, not in any way. The establishment clause of the first amendment is actually a safeguard against it. To keep religion out of the government, being a nation of various different cultures and ideologies is why it's necessary. To elevate one belief system over all others by default marginalizes those that don't share those same beliefs, makes their views less because they believe in a different deity, or version of that deity.  If you are the type of person that believes that your religious liberties allow you to deny others the same rights you enjoy because of vague interpretations of an out dated bronze age book I have nothing to say to you as a person, ever.
      Then we come to the slippery slope fuck wits. The "Next people will want to marry their dog" or horse, want to be able to marry children, and open the door to child molesters. This argument is in no way valid, it is simply a scare tactic, usually used by those same religious right ass bags. There is one simple thing stopping any of the mentioned worries and others from even becoming an issue. Consent mother fuckers, plain and simple, consent. Those previously mentioned parties cannot by law give any kid of lawful consent. End of story, there is no rebuttal to this.
     Now there are those, who are not nearly as verbal about it, that choose not to be judgmental what someone does with another consenting adult in privacy. Because they recognize that it is of no business of theirs, and does not have any impact on their life, isn't bringing about the end of civilization, will not usher in the end of days, or destroy the foundation of humanity.
     In short all those out there decrying the SCOTUS decision, and calling for christians to take a stand against this abomination. You took that stand and lost, and if you want to be taken seriously about your objections provide a valid argument. Not one that cites an book of ancient mythology full of morals that are either questionable or downright horrific, but provide evidence based arguments, facts and reason. Without those your voices will continue to be ignored.

                                Mr. Angry Beard

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