Hey there again random readers on the internet. It dawned on me that before I took a that long break for no reason that I had planned to do an about me post. To kind of let you all know who I am and how I view things. Give you a little step inside my mind as it were. And I never actually got around to writing it. So strap on your stupid and let's get at it.
Well, let's start off with the basics I'm a 33 year old guy who lives in a rural area of Indiana near somewhat close to Chicago. As well as being a medic who currently works in an ER. I am also a U.S. Army veteran, (infantry for those who care), with two tours in Iraq, once in '03 for the invasion and again in '05. Current hobbies and fun ways to pass the time include some PC gaming, amateur gunsmithing, shooting, and general tinkering with shit. I'm also a big fan of sci-fi books and TV, a giant Star Wars fan, a passable Star Trek fan. As far as TV goes I really don't watch a lot, it's usually on as background noise while I do other shit on the computer. But for the shows I do watch boils down to a pretty short list, to include The Walking Dead, Archer, and the now defunct British Top Gear (although I look forward to the new Amazon show with Clarkson). As far as movies, I dig a lot of sci-fi stuff, action, comedies, and the comic book adaptations (really waiting for Deadpool), although not too big a fan of horror flicks, they tend to bore me. That previously mentioned PC gaming usually consists of Diablo III, WoW (although I haven't played in months), DayZ, and maybe a shooter or two.
On a more personal level I am divorced, I got married when I was young and stupid at 19, and after being cheated on while in Iraq well, that was the end of that. I have been more or less single since that time, me and relationships don't work to well apparently. Most recently I'm not too sure why it ended although I have some ideas. I'm mostly sure that it has to do with the fact that I am an unapologetic atheist. I can't fault her for it as her religion is important to her, and I abhor religion in all forms. But oh well, I'll get by like I always do. I tend to keep a small circle of friends, a lot of which I work with.
I also have a pretty damn twisted sense of humor, I hold nothing sacred and nothing is out of bounds to me, although I am aware of those around me and hold back a bit for them. As I am aware that humor is subjective and not everyone will find the same shit I do hilarious. On the subject of humor some of the best comedians for me are Louis C.K., Bill Burr, Patton Oswalt, and Lewis Black, among others.
Politically, I wouldn't consider myself a member of either the Republicans or Democrats, or even a Libertarian for that matter. I tend to have leanings to either side of the aisle depending on the subject. To me a lot of the issues plaguing this country are more complex than the hard lines drawn by the two major parties. A lot of things are not black and white, but large swaths of gray that consist of multiple smaller aspects that each side tend to overlook. Like gun control, there are many different aspects that need to be addressed individually and not as one issue, I personally think gun control should fall under a federal jurisdiction alone and the entire set of laws needs to be thrown out and redone, although that's for another post by itself. Then again there are some that are, for me, easy to decide on, like marriage equality. If two consenting adults want to get married, let them.
When it comes to music I'm a bit stuck in the past, a huge fan of mid '90s to early 2000s rock and alternative, with a little hip hip/rap sprinkled in there. Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Seven Mary Three, is where I tend to live. The majority of new music I just cannot get into, not sure what it is but I don't like it. That being said there are a few artists that I like but it's a very short list. I'm a huge fan of great vocalists like Layne Staley, Chris Cornell, Brandon Boyd, and Aaron Lewis. Something about how they pour themselves into the art is amazing. That being said, get off my lawn!
I'm not to big a sports guy, I mean I root for the Cubs, Bears, and Blackhawks, but I couldn't tell you shit about other teams. I've never really been into even playing sports, as a kid and up until I graduated high school I studied Tae Kwan Do, but that was about the extent of it.
Well, that's me in a nutshell, if you want to know more ask away in the comments. Oh, and those that do read this and other posts please leave some comments, or questions. I would like some feedback, or some ideas for future posts. Just some general discussion, but I won't be dragged into an internet argument or flame war so try to be civil, so if you want to use profanity feel free, but not as an attack on someone else.
Until Next time,
Mr. Angry Beard
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