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Thursday, July 2, 2015

Coming Soon

     Coming in the next few days I should be posting  a couple more reviews and maybe a couple of rants. As soon as I finish "The Martian" by Andy Weir I'll be putting up a spoiler free review of that. And as soon as I figure out some video shit I'll be giving my impressions on a 1911 frame and slide that is my current amateur gunsmith project. After I finish "The Martian" my next book is going to be "Seveneves" by Neal Stephenson.  As well as some thoughts on the supposed upcoming shows "Ghost Brigades" a TV series based on the "Old Man's War" series by John Sclazi and "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman. I may also weigh in on upcoming "Star Wars" movie and the still shrouded in secrecy "Warcraft" movie. That's all I can think of for now but I'm sure that something will pop up in the news that will piss me off and throw me into a rant. I would post something about the recent SCOTUS decision on gay marriage equality but it's been a a few days and most people have said enough about it. Just suffice to say that it's taken long enough for marriage to become legal to all those who want it, the fact that it was something that needed to be decided by the Supreme Court is fucking insane. I still may but if I do it will probably be a fairly long winded post and my go off topic a couple times.
    That's all for now folks. I'm still figuring out how to work this site so give me a little leeway there, but after a little Google-fu  I was able to add a twitter button up at the top. WOOO!

                            Mr. Angry Beard

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