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Thursday, July 2, 2015

First post, also a brief review of 'Terminator :Genysis'

     Hello there Internets, I am Mr. Angry Beard, and welcome to my blog of randomness. There really is no plan or structure planned for this thing but that my change in the future. This blog will contain rants, reviews, and other assorted randomness that crosses my mind that I feel like documenting. I may even from time to time put up the occasional video. Like I said earlier there is no specific scope to this blog so you can expect to see stuff on here ranging from tech related reviews, guns, movies, random rants about whatever happens to be in the news that pisses me off at the time, or other randomness that strikes my fancy.

     All that being said let's get started with a brief review of 'Terminator: Genisys'. Over all it was a pretty decent movie. The action scenes, of which there are plenty, are well done and make for good eye candy. So for that matter does the new Sarah Conner played by Emilia Clark. As I am not a professional reviewer, the acting for me was passable, and moved the story along for me just fine. There were a few instances though where the science of the film was just wrong, but I will suspend belief for the sake of entertainment. There were a couple plot twists that sadly were seen coming a mile away, but still helped the story. The addition of J.K. Simmons' character was a nice touch and provided some well placed comic relief for an action, blow shit up movie. And the inclusion of Matt Smith in a movie centered around time travel made me happy although I wish he could have had more on screen time.
    All in all it was worth watching and is one of those movies that I will probably end up watching several more times when it's released for home viewing to try to pick out some of the more subtle plot points and Easter eggs.

    I realize this is a pretty short post/review but I'm trying to avoid spoilers for the film as well as I like to keep things short and easy to read. That may or may not continue to be a trend, it all depends on the subject and how I feel about it at the time.
     So, until next time, uh... do whatever I guess.

                                          Mr. Angry Beard

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