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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Random thoughts: Aliens

     I was recently listening to an episode of "Skeptics Guide to the Universe" and the topic of aliens came up. I believe it was concerning a way to hide the signature of Earth from aliens that would be using the same methods we currently do to find extra solar planets. And they went on to discuss the need to do so. According to Stephen Hawking, we should at all costs avoid making contact with any extraterrestrial civilization, as it would most likely spell doom for the human race.
     I disagree with Dr. Hawking on this whole heartedly, not that I think that I'm smarter than him but, logically it doesn't seem likely it would be a bad thing. The way I see it, a civilization capable of making the journey between stars, and also having the resources to take over a planet from a species that is capable of resisting could just as easily harvest whatever raw resources  they needed from asteroids or uninhabited planets.  It would make no sense to try to get those things from Earth when they are available with much less effort and in greater quantities elsewhere. The only real reason an extraterrestrial civilization would come to Earth, that makes sense, is to explore and make peaceful contact with another civilization.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

First Podcast?

     So, I have a vacation week coming up and would like to record my first podcast and get it out into the internets. I'm writing this here as Twitter's character limit is a bit of a pain. I'm looking for guests for a kind of interview/discussion on a variety of topics. I haven't decided on a length for the podcast but would just like it to be however long it takes. So I would like to formally reach out to some podcasters and youtubers that I listen to regularly and respect for this inaugural episode.  I'll also be contacting these folks through other means but would like to put a little explanation here. If anyone does feel like it contact me on twitter @Mr_Angry_Beard, Facebook  here or Google+ here.

So for Noah Lugeons, Heath Enwright, Eli Bosnik, Barnacules, JayzTwoCents, and Tom and Cecil from Cognitive Dissonance, if you are interested let me know.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Another Rant.

    So as some of you know, I work in an ER and I deal with a lot of patients from the simple toe pain that thinks that they are on the verge of death and, the truly sick and in need of help.
Although last night was one of the clinchers, I watched and help treat a baby that died. This child could not have done something that could have possibly angered any so called all loving  God. And to those that say that he needed another angel, Fuck You, with every inch of my being, with seven plus billion people you chose this small innocent child and ruthlessly ripped  them from their family. To stand there and watch a mothers heart shatter with pure grief and disbelief as this child laid dead, Fuck You.  The elderly and long time infirm I have generally have no issue with when they die. But this, this is unconscionable. All those that question why I deny a god, explain to me why things like this happen. Take a tour of an pediatric oncology ward and explain how this is just and moral.
        I'm going to stop here before  I become too angry to continue.

Mr. Angry Beard